This was my first workshop class. They’re like the CEU workshops we get at the Alaska Club—a practical pool session and a land classroom session. Here, because the pool schedule is so tight, you can have a workshop, as I did, with the practical first, classroom second. This means you haul out of the water, dry off as much and as quickly as you can, cover your soggy self and jog to the convention center at the other end of the resort. No help for it—most of the seats in the room are kind of damp when we leave.
I took a look at my schedule and of the workshop classes I have, about half are soggy bottom style—wet first, indoors after. It’s not ideal, but everyone’s in the same situation, so we don’t mind the odd looks from the pantyhose and necktie crowd hanging around from other meetings in the convention center.
Second this morning was Senior Aqua Training with Joao Regulfe, another Brazilian guy. A guy with balls. A whole bag of 6-inch rubber balls which he used in his workout for resistance, balance challenge, partner work, and fun.
Then there was lunch, the first meal provided by the conference (more about food another time) and on to a product demonstration workout—Speedo hydro resistance gear given by Mark Grevelding. Mark’s another pillar of the profession and really fun and funny.
And then it was on to SCRAMBLED Choreography progressions, a lecture by Ruth Sova (yet another pillar). And a super knowledgeable yet super nice person. Ruth was trying to find a good way to quickly come up with new moves or changes in choreography both on deck and when making an advance plan. She made a list of all the things you could change about a move: Speed, Combine with other moves, Repetitions, Arms, Move, Bend, Link (people together), Elongate, and Direction. Then she had her husband find an acronym of the first letters of the words so she could remember it easily and behold--SCRAMBLED. The basics of her method are in an article she wrote for the February/March 2009 issue of AKWA magazine; I won't belabor them any further here.
As thunderclouds gathered, I headed to my last workshop, Aqua Yoga2gether. I knew that there probably isn't much call for this sort of thing in any of my classes (people don't like to work in partners and the water is usually too cold for this kind of slow movement), but I was curious to see what the concept was. It was taught by a lovely Brazilian couple, Ivan and Tinoca. They were very sincere and knowledgeable about yoga and Tinoca had adapted it all for water, but alas, we had to try to try it out on dry land, as water was falling out of the sky.
Kathy, you did us Alaskans proud! Can't believe how your day was packed. And I'm just tired from watching Alena today (She's one today, party is this weekend). Back to work tomorrow; can't believe you're coming to the end of your workshop. You have taken classes from the "gurus" of aqua that we have only been able to read about. No rain here, how's that for a positive comment??